Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment


Historically the city gate, the area is a true Zagreb urban and trading area currently divided in three separate disconnected places. Ever since the market was moved from the Kvaternik square to the current position something is wrong. A single, strategic operation which will in one go mend the heart of the area is the following: giving the market a new home and bringing it into the Badel block. This allows for double space use: daily food market becomes a cultural market and public stage later in the day. By respecting the local identity and restoring all existing heritage buildings within the block it becomes a vibrant social and economic heartbeat for the neighbourhood and the city.
The proposal is a contemporary response to the Zagreb block tradition. View lines to the heritage buildings define the urban pattern of inner square with passages. To create a critical mass and add to iconic city skyline two new towers are integrated in the proposal. The new square follows the industrial grid and is in centred around the distillery which is transformed into a black box - multi-purpose cultural programme. The submerged market, hall and square are in direct connection to it. A series of retail and catering facilities are located around the market: the Gorica building is refurbished into concept stores and supermarket with an iconic extension containing commercial and educational facilities. Housing is located in double loaded courts with gardens, with an extra block proposed on the site of current market. The area is accessible for pedestrian or slow traffic use profiting from the good urban accessibility. An underground parking combining the market logistic forms integral part of the program.The proposed bypass operation reconnects the city heartbeat!.

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