Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment


Description and explanation of the overall concept

We based our proposal upon an urban strategy which can grant that, in the future, the different occupied spaces will fit into a homogenous, coherent urban area.
The program will be developed taking into consideration four relevant pillars: connect, innovate, attract and value – connect with the frontier program and the many areas and equipment suggested; innovate in the created structures, the offered atmospheres and the pursuit of urban, environmental, social and economic sustainability; attract people to the Badel Block and new inhabitants to the town; finally, value the heritage, the buildings and the living standards of the Zagreb people.
As a matter of fact, we intend to fit the present plan into the urban tissue. To achieve this goal we took as reference the Ban Jelačić square, the town hub, a central plan of the town and a monument which identifies it. Badel site will then become a square with a landmark, the redeveloped distillery, which will be the space identity, a second central public square of major importance in Zagreb.
We also propose an eight-storey residential block - aesthetically separated from the other buildings - in order to give visibility and attractiveness to the site.
The Gorica factory façade is the third key element. It becomes a huge portico which invites every passer-by to visit Badel site.
Badel square is a stage for all these renewed and erected buildings, consisting of two floors, which will surprise those who will invade the area. This square is free because the proposal is situated in the two levels underground, offering a public open space in one of the Zagreb block of buildings.
Our main purpose is to give the town a unique and only identity.

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Status projekta Natječaj


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