Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment


Hrvatska''s lantern is an incubator of the future that will serve as the country’s catalyst for progress.
The encounter of a multiplicity of cultural programs with educational and research cells will create the necessary fertile terrain to attract the best and brightest minds to this area and allow the creative forces of the country to create new forms of formal and informal encounters.
The Lantern, the iconic building of the proposed complex, will offer flexible, adaptive, spaces where the ideas of the future will be conceived and later exhibited to the public in the event and exhibition center located at the very top of the tower. It will cater for creative businesses, information and communication technologies (ICT), media, medical technology, fashion, R&D, sustainable energy, research laboratories, movie and animation industries, performance art schools and off-site university campus, as well as act as an incubator for the creative and technology industries at large.
-The structure of the entire building is designed to complement the exhaustive offering of the whole Hrvatska''s lantern complex in an adaptive way which allows for free spatial appropriation. Its programs offer a potential for consolidated exhibition, conference and performance activities, which makes Hrvatska’s Lantern complex at large compatible with larger cultural and festival-like events.
-The building is a catalyst for both ‘arts’ and ‘technology’ in Zagreb.
Because of Croatia’s growing importance on the European scene, we firmly believe that the future of the country is tied to its ability to channel the new generations’ creative energies within the Croatian society. Hrvatska''s lantern is a place that will allow these creative energies to be channeled and grow.

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