Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

Dzervus, Petras, Autor
Cirtautas, Matas, Autor
Šakas, Audrius, Suradnik
Žekonytė, Milda, Suradnik - dizajn


Architectural and urban solutions of the project were created after careful evaluation of the current situation of the area. The New Badel Blok is planned with the notion that local architectural and urban values will be retained and used to maintain identity of the place while newly added elements will become platform for further social and cultural activity of the area. The preserved factory building and other valuable elements of urban structure are emphasized by contemporary landscaping and modern architectural language.
The proposed spatial structure of the quarter is foreseen to be stretched on several levels and platforms. Different platforms divide quarter’s inner space into private, semi-public and public open zones. Main public open spaces are planned around the preserved factory building. These spaces could be used for various cultural events and daily recreation.
The project adopts simple street structure in the area. Proposed street grid is convenient for both quarter’s insiders and visitors.
One of the main standpoints of the project is that all social groups should be provided with adequate living conditions and have good access to socially active and visually pleasure environment. Therefore, the area is planned to be highly accessible for public and most of the buildings are designed to be multifunctional. This feature of the spatial structure and built-up elements reinforces quarter’s central character.
The New Badel Blok project not only stimulates social and economical sustainability of the area, but it is also designed to meet local community’s high expectations for safety, comfort living and active social life.

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