Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment


The Badel Block intervention stands in an important key concept: THE CORE. The existence of such a rich structure as the old distillery building defines the approach. That is the main character and it sets an opportunity to develop a new structure that enhances new urban routines as a strong new urban value. The Core as a Living Icon.

The Zagreb Lower Town has this European characteristic of urban stability, rooted in a well defined block morphology. The traditional European block, with its perimetric construction and center courtyard, that worked as a cell in the definition of a city that sought in the late XIX for a strong and balanced growth.

The solution emerges where this two subjects overlap: the concept + the context. The need for a strong iconic structure that sets a new pace as a heart – a Core. And the sensibility to understand the urban morphology, enhancing its qualities.

A well defined mixed-use block with a cultural center and a park are the grounding principles. A Green Core that can be lived, with pedestrian walkthroughs , that offers restaurants, commerce, culture… New urban value for new social interaction always with the presence of its heritage and industrial memory. The old distillery adapted to a new cultural center stands out in this contrast offering new outdoor spaces that can not only be easily included in the social routines of the community but also attract new visitors.

These are the premises that will define the social sustainability of the intervention. A strong urban value that not only is accessible, usable and permeable to inhabitants but also inspires, excites and delights. A living icon with a balanced urban and human scale.

Predani prilozi
Prezentacijski plakat
Projektna knjižica

Status projekta Natječaj

Tvrtke koje sudjeluju
Pablo Pita architects Autor

Nagrade preko natječaja
1. nagrada, brutto 226.800,00 kn (cca 30.240,00 €) (Natječaj za izradu idejnog urbanističko-arhitektonskog rješenja za Blok Badel u Zagrebu) 27.05.2012


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